What are your thoughts on the millions of children around the world that goes to bed feeling hungry at night??


I'm with you Riley...........

baby tsina2008-08-07T22:06:35Z

Favorite Answer

there are hungry children because there are some politicians not doing their job.


Everytime I throw away rotten food, I think of them and tell myself I will never do this again. But time and time again I do because the frigging fridge is always acting up and rotten food cannot be eaten, can they?

I have deep sympathy for these kids because I am a person who never feels hungry (I eat every second in my life) because I hate hunger. No one should be let to feel hungry, but there is only so much we can do, isn't there?


well, what I think about Brad and Angie done was a noble deed.
They use no single cent for them and donate everything to charity.

To be honest, is there anyone of us here would do the same like what they did? Being offered with USD 10 million and give the whole cheque
to charity?

I don't think so. We all probably gonna use it to pay debts and get big house and expensive cars.


It is something that shouldn't happen among other things. Right now, even Malaysians are going to bed hungry & it sickens me to the core on how petty, stupid & childish the government is in handling stupid issues when more important issues regarding the rakyat are put aside.

HRH Shim2008-08-08T00:42:52Z

Forget the world, just look at our country.

We can probably serve ten healthy meals to ten children with the money Rosmah spent on hairsprays to keep her hair to defy gravity.

With Rosmah's complete wardrobe, she can probably feed 10,000 hungry children and give them proper education.

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