Where should I put my tattoo?

I am planning on getting a tattoo of a fairy. The artist is drawing it up for me and will have it by Monday. She is kneeling facing to the side and looking downwards to something she is holding in her hands. I have no idea where to put the tattoo. I already have 3 on my back. One lower back, left shoulder blade and below my neck. I can not put it on my right shoulder blade because I have a mole there. Also I want at least one tattoo that I can see without using a mirror. Any ideas of where I should put it?


I do want the tattoo where I can cover it when needed.

Big Daddy2008-08-09T18:26:10Z

Favorite Answer

on your hip.....


The tattoo your having created sounds sweet. I don't have any tattoos but I think that if your going to do this then right above your bikini line, near the hip, would be cute. You could see it without a mirror and conceal it when you need to. Good luck Monday.....


Ideally some place you can cover it if you have to. You may not now but you might at some future time have a job where having a tattoo isn't really appropriate so put it somewhere where professional dress will cover it. Maybe try an ankle?



Jen McB2008-08-09T05:58:53Z

If you want to be able to conceal it and you can't use your back, then your location is going to be very limited. Perhaps your thigh or if it's small enough your hip or somewhere else on your torso.

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