What would you do if you were cut out of a picture?

Be more creative then getting pissed off or something

In my opinion I would take revenge and draw funny stuff on theirs


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I'd insert pornographic images where my face used to be. Make it look like the family photo has a naked chick in it! LOL


Find out who cut me out first. Then I'd take that person's head, photo shop it unto a porn star's body having sex and stick it everywhere. Especially where the person's friends hang out.

You Know Nothing.2008-08-11T06:37:20Z

i'd make them look like a cross between michael jackson and paris hilton in their picture, and then post it all over the internet.


Depends on who cut me out, if it were an ex...then i'd probably be doing the same thing to his


I'd slash the person's car tires.

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