Waiting till marriage? What do yo think?

Ok I wana know what you think about waiting till marriage. I believe in find someone you can love and everything but waiting till marriage, I actually feel sorry for people who do that. I think it's wrong. because you are trying to go against what you are. human and well that is one of your purposes plus, plus what if the guy or girl you marry cheats on you a week after or something then you waited for nothing.


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Waiting until marriage is fine if that's who you are.

But I to believe that humans are destined to *ahem* mate.
Do try and have some couth about who sleep around with though.


You are buying into the divorce "norm." People divorce for a number of reasons, but in general, they "don't love each other anymore." Why? Because they were stupid, and didn't work out relational problems BEFORE they got married. Had they gone and worked these out, had they been compatible in the first place, had they handled the marriage as an everlasting bond of love instead of a mutual like for one another, then this probably wouldn't have happened.
Now, if you want to be a responsible adult and be known for good morals and values, you will wait until marriage. You ask "What if they cheat on me?" Well, if this girl was meant to be yours forever in the first place you wouldn't have to ask that, now would you? You don't have to settle for the next girl who comes into your life, you have choices! CHOOSE your partner, don't just settle. Don't let infatuation blind you, don't let her beautiful looks blind you, you had better analyze your relationship instead. Can you see yourself with her in a year? Two? Five? Ten? If you can't consider the relationship something that will last for the rest of your life, she is not the one for you. Go against the divorce norm! Live a happy life! Wait until you are married to have sex, and you will never regret it, promise! There will be nothing to compare her to, and it will be even more special on the honeymoon night, knowing that you waited!

Amie87 AKA Mrs. L2008-08-11T11:31:29Z

I am waiting for marriage, I'm currently engaged and my fiance and I are both virgins. I have many reasons for waiting, here are a few...
1. I would rather not bring a child into the world when I don't even have the husband/wife thing down yet. I mean Marriage changes a relationship and it's a serious commitment, legally binding and if you're a christian it's official in the eyes of god as well. If I'm not ready for that I don't think I'm ready for a child and the purpose of intercourse is to have a child
2. Even though yes some one can still cheat at least you did what you could to wait for your one and only, you can't help if they cheated.
3. It is just going to make my wedding night that much more special commiting ourselves to eachother infront of our friends and family and then a special bond for just the two of us that night.
4. Also I don't want to regret my first time. Many of my friends actualy feel jealous when I tell them we're waiting. They wish they waited too.

There's alot more but those are just my main ones. I also feel it's a very personaly choice and what's right for me may not be right for anyone else.


Though I disagree with you thinking it's wrong, I've felt the same way before. I used to not want to have sex, because "it's better to wait until marriage" and I didn't want to be seen as a slut...whatever. But, that's not who I am. I'm really physical, I love sex, I love freaky ish and to deny myself that pleasure would as you say "would be going aganist who you are".

Plus, waiting, means less worry over getting tested or having a std.


I think it's good for some people but not for others. I didn't wait until marriage and now that I'm married, I'm still glad I didn't wait. A friend of mine is waiting and it's working for her.

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