What do you think of my photography?





These were taken around my home or close to home. I have the good fortune of living in a beautiful part of the country.

Deborah W2008-08-11T18:47:38Z

Favorite Answer

A lot of us like your work. As an artist I'd buy your pictures to do paintings from. You have a good eye for appealing landscapes. Your snow scene reminds me of those days before the end of winter and it seems that color has left for the season. I would accent the orange of the leaves to strengthenthe contrast to the monotone. Really speaks to me. Love the river and it's dark shadows. Just a matter of taste. The one of autumn reflections would sparkle more if the front tree were darker. It's a pretty piece. Like the lazy Susans and butterfly. The first one is a design I really like. The squares of the lattice accent the curves of the flowers and butterfly.


My first rule when I look at a photo (mine or someone else's) is focus. Is it sharp where it needs to be? If not, ithe shot is not a keeper no matter how interesting the subject. The butterfly/flower shots are not in focus. Neither is the waterfall, there it looks like camera shake. When shooting landscapes, particularly in deep shade or twilight, you have to use a tripod to get sharp images. The snow scene is my favorite, nice light and the composition is pleasing, if not exceptional. The fall reflection scene is pretty, but the exposure is off and there are areas with blown information (like the entire sky and the rocks on the far shore) They are good attempts, but need more technical skill to make them good. Start with your camera manual. Take a class if you can. Begin to learn the technical and artistic sides of the craft and you will see your skill grow and your images improve. Best wishes!


From photography and DSLR camera basics right through to advanced techniques used by the professionals, this course will quickly and easily get your photography skills focused! Go here https://tr.im/D6tHO
By the end of this course you will have developed an instinctive skill-for-life that will enable you to capture truly stunning photos that not only amaze your friends and family... but could also open the doors to a brand new career.


pretty good actually. Your focal points are good. The one with the creek you needed a little more lighting. close up of the butterflies are slightly blurred, but you can fix that with a faster shutter speed/lighting difference. Good luck and keep it up.


your pic is really good. i probably would have shoot more from the right, including more of the snow bank and less of the road making the road less of the focal point but its a great shot.

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