MEN: What body types are u into?

I'm just curious, which do you personally get drawn to?
A. Small skinny women
B. average or athletic
C. a little round but shapely
D. Big and busty

Also, to give a better insight into who likes what, could you tell me your prefrence on age, ethnicity, or even your own description into who you like? THANKS! Just for curositys sake


Favorite Answer

B. I'm black but i'm am really into azn men. I prefer guys around my age, 20 or up. I also like white guys and spanish.

Mayra ;)2008-08-12T01:05:54Z

this is the GLBT section soo ill answer im not a guy though lol,.
i like athletic type of girls that dont mind to get dirty lol, i like a girl that has a great personallity, like to smile alot, funny, same or like 1 year older than me any ethnicity, =D


well i shouldnt really ancer this coz im a girl but who's keeping tabs...i like C wich prity much describs my crush she younger than me by 2 months and im 17 has chocolet brown short hair(about sholder lanth) blue/green eyes frecels but not to many just enuf to make her cute but she dusnt look to crash hot in a bikine but i still love her lol.



Vince Z2008-08-12T01:54:48Z

women?? Ewww like obviously this is the wrong area for a straight question! I love all types of guys

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