Why this message displays while trying to answer a question?

""We're taking a breather...Yahoo! Answers is taking a coffee break.
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This Message is displaying always and actually fed up with the Y!A! due to this issue, and most of the questions that I can't make answers due to this problem... It is something like Y!A! make answerer's as fools... after typing a detailed answer, while trying to publish the answer it shows this message, if Y!A! have such problems it should display this message while we press the "answer this question" button,

What do you feel?


Thanks to all...
I am in the level 5, so I beleive there is no limit in answers per day, and not using more links (same) in my answers. If I feel any link to be published with answer I will do it... but not same links always, or to promote my own...

Edd e2008-08-11T22:49:44Z

Favorite Answer

The "breather/taking a coffee break" screen can result from certain symbols like using the percent sign, but any symbol could trigger it, some links can also a problem like posting the same link repeatedly, hitting daily limits using over 4 links per Q&A. It has also been reported that could be that you have reached your daily limit for your Q&A for the level you are on.

The possible cures include:-
Removing any symbols, wait for your daily limit to reset, clear your cache and reboot, removing links, click the f5 key and try again, and shorting your Q&A, try another English speaking site in Q&A.

Yahoo say the problem should be fixed soon. see blog.


Yahoo is still tweaking their upgrade, It could be one of many reasons; Have you reached your limit in answers for the day,
I have been hitting the back arrow on my browser and re-submitting a few times and that seems to work. When it didn't work ... I went to a different category answered there then went back. Don't use the percentage symbol, Spell out and signs like (percent) and (plus) it's an automatic 'coffee break' or 'breather'. It could be that your answer was too long submit shorter answers then go back and edit them.
Click on the (Breather Fixes) at the Top Yahoo Answers Answerer link at the top of this section's questions. She wrote them in her profile.

Susan Yarrawonga2008-08-12T05:53:23Z

This recharging message is a very regular interruption and ruins a lot of answers because the system won't post them. When you have spent a long time on a long answer it is very painful to lose it.

Hopefully this is only a temporary state of affairs and the system will improve.

My impression (right or wrong) is that nothing triggers them off and that these recharging messages will keep recurring regardless.


You broke Yahoo! Actually, I assume it means the servers are doing battle with spambots or something.