I need a good weight lose plan?

I'm around 200lbs and 5'4" and need to lose 50-70 lbs. Really I'd be happy with getting back under 150. I have a thick muscular frame that always looks like I weigh about 20lbs less than I do so 150 would put me in a size 12 and have me looking 130lbs which I'd be happy with and 140 has me at a size 10.

I want a good weight lose plan to lose the excess weight in a safe and steady manner, no yo-yo or extreme diets, I can wait for my perfect figure. What would be a good way to go about doing this? I'm perfectly willing to make diet changes as long as its not extreme, I'm not going from a typical sub sandwich meal to cottage cheese and tuna for every meal with an apple thrown in. I want something I can work with and still include meals I enjoy within reason. For example, I'm totally for switching beverages from sugar pop to diet drinks, more water, and iced tea. I don't want anything too complicated that may make me lose intrest. Just something straight forward and reasonable.

As for exercise, I have asthma and have had it all my life so I can't do too much cardio, especially off the bat unless I want to end up in the hospitol.


Favorite Answer

go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food after 7
p.m. People achieve marvellous results with it. Depending on your
initial weight, you can drop upwards from 20 pounds a month. If you don't eat wheat then you don't eat all those sticky, fatty goey cakes, you don't eat junk food, and you don't eat biscuits. But your diet is
still balanced. It costs nothing, and you do not have to calculate points or to buy special meals or plans.
walk and bicycle if you can't run - these are the closest to the running.


well its really good that your beeing rational about this and that your not willing to take it to an extreme.

well diet wise avoid things that are fatty,sugary,fizzy and full of oil. you can ahve a little of theses but in moderation and not to an excess

eat 5 fruit and veg a day and drink 2liters of water.

DONT skip meals because you WILL overinduldge int he next meal.

eat breakfast lunch and dinner.

have a big breackfast a smaller lunch and a really small dinner.

do 100crunches a night and that isnot cardio and works on the stomach also take as long as you need to do it.

go for an 1hour walk every day this could be taking a pet for a walk of the children or even just you an,d your partner do what ever as long a you walk.

make sure you dont eat over 2000kcals because by just existing you burn 2500kcals a day.

but PLEASE dont start to get carried away once you see the weight dropping of because as a result to it i got an eating disorder so what ever you do be safe and healthy.


good luck


Weight Watchers is the best plan out there. Many people have great success on it and tend to have better success keeping the weight off because they learn how to eat better as a lifestyle.


For starters you can walk. Eat less. And sleep. Try to minimize your food proportions and with in no time you will notice a difference. I weigh 184 and am 5'3. I just started riding my bike before I go to sleep and so far lost about 4lbs in a week. Take your time and never give up!!