Have you started school yet?

I start on Monday :((( HORRIBLE! Summer flew by so fast!


OH lucky Mollie!


Oh i hate all of you guys whom have friggin school in September!


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i start september 4th. we got out june 20th


September 3rd or something but I have this awful camp thing that I have to go to the last week of August. I think I'm going to become a heavy teenage drinker and smoker. I'm going to a school my parents want me to go to, I don't want to go. I know some kids that are going to go there, there all friends, but I ain't friend with them because there weird! Ugh I hate the freakin' school! I'm going to start a blog and just ***** and ***** and *****. It shall be funny! And whomever reads my blog will accompany me on my high school journey. It's already weird because I'm going to a catholic school and I got my girlfriend pregnant(Shes 7 months pregnant) and were only 14 and were going to get married when were older but my parents have to raise my child and I have to hide my child from my new friends and people I meet because where I live teenage pregnancy's are awful and frowned upon. I HATE where I live and I don't like there people that are going to the school I'm going to. Its a freakin' all boys catholic school. My soon to be wife get's to go to whatever school she wants. But what's good is, September 1st, my girlfriend and I are moving in together. I'm honestly going to die! Stay with me on my journey. I'm going to start a blog soon.

Ughhhh Kill Meee!


I start Monday, August 18th =[
At least i get to see all my friends.
But my school is so stupid sometimes!!
We have assigned seats in the morning now so im going stuck with people that i cant stand at lunch and in the morning before school.
My whole 8th grade years gonna be torture =(


Nope. I don't start until September 22nd. Way late, since I'm going to college.


nope, September Deuce

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