Which are smarter Male or Female Dogs?

I have a 15 week old Toy Male Poodle who seems very alert and seems to want to learn? I was just curious?


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Good question.
I think this really truely comes down to the individual dog. I have a male and a female kelpie and they are both very smart dogs, but in very different ways to each other. Due to them being rescue dogs, the male is very timid, and difficult to 'train' but he comes when he is called and know what is right and wrong. He is very switched on to my emotions, and if I am upset, he will just sit beside me. He know I dont want to play.
The female on the other hand is very clever, and highly trained. She has a high level of obedience and picks up new things in a couple of minutes. She knows the difference between a ball, stick, rope and toy. And will bring you the one you ask for.

But I'm sure everyone has a different story and reason for their opinion.
If your little fella is alert and seems to want to learn, teach him all you can! Poodles are a very smart breed by nature, so get him to puppy preschool, obedience, anything you can.
Good Luck


That's tough to answer, since it's impossible to control a study enough to accurately decide... and then there's the difference between "smart" and "trainable". I'm sure Bulldogs are very smart, but they're notoriously hard to train.

And each dog differs so much that i dont' know if you can ever decide for sure which are the smarter gender.

Although if you think about it.. both males and females in a wild pack would share most of the responsibilities... both genders hunt, both genders play with the pups. So I guess I'd say smartness would be equal.


Yorkes are hard to potty train regardless of gender. I myself don't enjoy the company of a Yorke, or any other small dog for that matter, but my friend has owned both sexes - neither can keep themselves from piddling and pooing on the carpet to this day. If you want a potty-trained dog, look into another breed.


There aren't many differences within the same breed. Your puppy is surely eager to learn and obey you. Have you read any books on puppy training? Poodles are so intelligent that they will almost anticipate your expectations!

Wicked Wanda2008-08-15T05:31:39Z

As it is with humans....it all depends on the individual dog, not it's gender.

My gram once had a male border collie who would outsmart most people and now I own a small mutt who can outsmart any dog she meets....all dogs are different.

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