bringing home a chihuhuha puppy.! 10 points.?

I am getting two chihuahua puppies, they will be ready in 3 weeks, then they will be 8 weeks old.

I was wondering what things I need like to bring for the ride home, which is about 30 minutes at the most.

Also what will the first night/week or two be like?


I went and saw them today, I know about the work, and devotion you must put in it, and I've been through it. Thanks, anymore answers? lol


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When I brought my chihuahua puppy home a few years ago he laid on a towel on my lap and fell asleep. But some puppies have a hard time in the car and get car sick easily. Maybe a box of some sort that is open on the top so if they get sick you can get to the towel really quickly and easily. I'd have back up towels just incase lol. Make sure once you get them home you have a crate set up for them. But make sure its just big enough for the two of them to turn around, stand up and lay in. Because if it is any bigger they will see it as something they can go to the bathroom in. I also trained my chihuahua to use a litter box. I know it sounds wierd but small dog breeds have smaller bladders and have to go to the bathroom more often than most larger breeds. Litter box training them makes it 10x easier to leave them in the house and you dont have to crate them everytime you leave because they will use the bathroom in the litter box.

Another thing that no one told me when I got my chihuahua is that they tend to shake alot. Not because theyre cold or because theyre sick, they just shake sometimes. And they make this noise that kind of sounds like a noise a goose would make. It only happens when they get excited or scared. They breathe too fast and their throat makes this weezy coughing noise. But its nothing to be worried about, I asked my vet and she told me its completely normal.

Oh! and another thing lol If they're having problems eating their dry food, try getting packets of Purina wet food[they sell boxes of them at Wal-Mart] I mix a few tablespoons of it in with my chihuahuas hard food and the gravy from the wet food makes the hard food a little softer and he eats it all. Before, he would leave his food sitting in its bowl for days at a time.

Good luck!!! I bet theyre adorable!!!!


I just got a Brat (Boston, Rat terrier mix) puppy yesterday. On the ride home you will want to bring their leash and collar for potty breaks and safety and you may want to bring along an old sheet for them to sit on or a carrier. The first night for my puppy, Tyson was very good. He only woke up once. With some puppies they can wake up every hour or so. You will have an advantage of getting 2 they will keep each other company through out the night and hopefully will feel safe together. The best thing I have ever bought is a warm puppy toy that you put in the microwave and it warms for your puppy so he will feel like one of his litter mates is next to him. Heating blankets work well too but you have to be careful with cords. Hope this helped! Good luck!


Just bring a blanket, if you'd like. I carried both my puppies home on my lap, and they slept on the blanket. I read somewhere that it's proven that the car-ride home means a lot to dogs. Thats when they bond with you a lot. I don't know if thats 100% true, but it still seems logical.

The first night, unless they sleep on your bed (which you might not want at first, because they'll have MANY accidents), will probably consist of whining. We kept both our dogs in a play pen during the night, and slowly potty trained them. They whined at first, but eventually stopped. If you talk to them or give them attention, or take them out when they whine, they'll never stop. Good luck! I'm so excited for you.

Mia ღ AJ ღ Faithy2008-08-17T04:22:50Z

never mind the first night or week -

how about the first 7 months you will need to walk up every 3-4 hours to let them out and go potty

two dogs at once is a lot of responsibility so i suggest professional trainig from the start!


Barking, accidents, exploring, and lots of fun. Make sure to puppy proof your house. That means cover electric sockets, pieces you don't want them to eat, and wires especially.

for the ride, bring a toy and crates.

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