How can i come to know that if my girl friend loves me or not?

You know m so confused bout it.sometimes it feels like she loves a lot but sometimes it feels like she don't give a damn bout me.i m so confused that what should i do.2nd thing is she is far away from me.but still m giving my 100%.Girls out there please help me out.Just let me know that how can i come to know if she really loves me or not.I m asking this because i love her a lot and i don't wanna take any risks by myself and loose her so Please Help Me Out.Suggest with best you got Thanks a Million..


Favorite Answer

the best thing to do is the obvious thing to is to talk to her and tell her excatly how you feel it will either make you or break you goood luck


Sorry it's really hard to tell because sometimes people pretend to love somebody when they don't. What's she like with you? Does she like spending time with you? What does she do that makes you think she doesn't care? In general in a relationship that's been going for a while you could say the parties love each other...unless you're really mean or something, or you think she's just playing you for whatever reason.



Its a girl. You've gotta know, there are certain times of the month when she won't want a hug. It's called PMS and its a natural thing. Girls live through this up to almost 60-70. And you're complaining about her side effects?