Why do many believe in euthienasia for pets and not people?
We put a pet to sleep who is suffering and call it humane. But many people who are suffering are not allowed to die with dignity. Why do you think that is? do you think laws should be changed to allow 'mercy killings' and allow relatives to say when it is time to 'pull the plug' on terminally ill patients without a lot of legal hassle?
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Because they think animals shouldn't suffer but people should?
I live in Oregon. First state and believe still the only state allowing doctor assisted suicide. Now the best part. For all you that oppose doctor assisted suicide, our suicide rates by terminally ill patients has DECREASED by more than 60% The fear of suffering previously made people seek that option too soon.
And yet we get religious fanatics trying to end this program, twice approved by voters.
Added. And unfortunately those last few days dying in a hospital or hospice use up the money to treat those that can be cured. Especially children. That though is a hard call to make.
I personally think that people should have a choice as to whether they continue to live in pain or not. It's their life. It's hard to compare animals to people though. A suffering animal has no voice - it can't say when it's ready to go or not. You can't explain to an animal what's happening and why - they will never understand. All they know is that they are sick, and dying. You can't rationalise the treatments or medical procedures to an animal. This is why people put them to sleep - to save them not only the pain, but also the fear and confusion they experience when we try to help them in ways that cause them more pain and stress. Humans can, in many cases, understand what's happening to them. Sometimes they cherish the last moments, even if they are in pain, because they are able to rationalise it in their minds. Of course I'm not talking about "flicking the switch" on someone who is brain dead for example - that's not considered euthanasia - it's merely letting the inevitable happen by withdrawing treatment. People fear human euthanasia because they worry that people who want to live, but who don't want to be a "burdon" on their families, will choose to die earlier than they really want to. People also worry that some will be euthanased against their will by family members or others wanting them out of the way. Then there are religious people who see the "suicide" of a human as being a crime against God - believing only God has the right to end a human life. It's a highly emotive issue. As I said, I think we should have the choice, but i can understand why some people are not supportive of it.
Because no matter how much we love our pets...somehow its still easier to euthanize our pets that to watch them suffer. Someone else said that when its our family, we hold on to hope far longer than we should.
I am a nurse and watched many people suffer near the end....and too many families holding on to hope.....however, if it was my family member...I must admit.....I would probably rely on hope also...and the what if would haunt me.....(what if they made a full recovery.)