Bush Third Term or Obama's Change?


Read this article.

Before you consider avoiding Senator McCain, please read this article. It is a heart wrenching article on the coldness of Mr. Obama who didn't engage in infantcide but who refused to pass a law to prevent it. There's a difference in being pro-choice and being pro-infantcide in which Senator Obama is; he's pro-infantcide since he supports partial birth abortion. Partial birth abortion is infanticide when it requires an active form of euthanasia and not simply suffociation.

I am not trying to change your view but simply mention Obama's stance 9 years ago in which a nurse pleaded with him to pass a law that would allow for treatment of an aborted baby that was born alive. The question is whether it was wrong for Obama to support a bill that prohibited passive euthanasia for a partial-birth abortion baby that is born live with the hopes it will perish because of its underdevelopment.

Partial birth abortion is so haneous; it typically involves poking a hole in a baby's skull to result in death; it doesn't involve a natural death involving suffocation. That's a major distinction since 95% of the public considers abortion to involve suffocation or a "natural" death. They never think of it as a brutal slaying, a poisoning, or a burning alive or if the baby is delivered to be starved to death (if the baby can breathe on its own, i.e. beyond 7-8 months).

In this case, it involved a baby born live in the hopes it would die from underdevelopment. It requires a Kevorkian style killing style rather than a passive form of euthanasia involving the denying of medical treatment.

Even those who support the denial of medical treatment believe that a person should have to clearly constent to passive or active euthanasia.


Good posts. Thanks for your input.


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The only problem I have with this article is that infanticide and allowing babies to die that have survived abortion is it's not kivorkian-those who sought assistance during suicide gave consent (which still did not make that morally right), these babies were forced out of the womb too soon, initially in the hope they would be dead, and when they were born alive, they were allowed to die anyways-disgusting at best. The fact that Mr Obama could NOT support a bill that gave the babies who survived abortion required medical care shows how depraved he is. He has a strange and unnatural mindset to NOT see the importance of such a bill-that even Feinstein implored the Senate to pass... that is truly disturbing.

Obama's "change" is just the recycled disrespect for life that was shown during WW2/the Holocaust-it's just repackaged and more modern but still shows disdain for life.


This may be, but any talk by either of them on the issue of human rights/right to life/pro life rhetoric is pure bollocks in my opinion as long as that war continues- they're full of it. I'll start listening to views on abortion when one of them becomes really aggressive and puts an abrupt halt to the blatant disrespect for life that continues to flourish in the Middle East.