Is anyone getting disgusted with all the paper being wasted via mailings?

Everyday I throw out a ton of paper that has come in my mailbox. Chase Bank has been sending my husband and I each a credit card application in the mail everyday for years. It makes me sick over the waste that goes into this. Are there any lobbys going on to put an end to all this waste?

♥ severelynormal2008-08-19T06:53:17Z

Favorite Answer

Here is an excellent article about junk mail.
Credit card applications are even more annoying because they have to be shredded. At the place I work they get FAX junk mail. I can't get over that one, wasting someone else's office supplies!
I wish you serenity!


Yes. I try not to think about it :( Or save some of it as junk paper to jot down notes and messages while on the phone.


I can't agree more.
what I suggest doing is calling these companies and telling them to take you off their mailing list. It will make all the difference.


well, no, not exactly.
not everyone has email so their only option is snail mail.
and you can't stop bill collectors from sending you junk.
so, get over it.