Dealing with a child who has Encopresis..?

My son is 7 yrs. still only smeares in his pants. Been to Doc. Am taking Magnesium Citrate this wkend along with Glycolax..If this doesn't clean his system out They will have to hospitalize him and suction it out...Have you gone thru this or r going thru it now? What's goin on?


My son is very active so exercise is already in place as far as his eating we are getting more fiber in his diet. I'm hoping these changes make some impact b4 we go back to the doctor. We've been dealing with this for years. He has no problems going to pee.


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My son is turning 4 next month he is potty trained when he has to pee, but when it comes to poop, he asks for a diaper but nothing comes out but smears. This will happen at least 4-5 times a day. This has been going on for about 5-6 months. As a small child he had constipation really bad and I think this is a result from it. We are ready to call the doc. and I just happened to see your article and looked up Encopresis and I have hope for this situation now. Have you tried giving him LOTS of water and fresh fruit daily and lots of exercise? That has seemed to help mine go a little more than a smear. You should look this up on the computer (if you haven't already) and get some more ideas on how to help him naturally. Sometimes it can work better and save a trip to the hospital. Good luck.