Have any of you, had a vet misdiagnose and end up killing your dog, because of the wrong diagnosis@ treatment?
I had a Chihuahua named Gigi, who I was told had a certain form of Liver Disease! She passed away 2 weeks ago this Sunday! I also have another Chihuahua named Zoe, that I was also told had a certain form of Liver Disease! I just got back from taking Zoe to a different vet for a second opinion, and found out, that both Gigi and Zoe, have a form of Liver Disease, but it's not the type I was told it was, by my first vet, it's totally opposite! I can't really explain it! The new vet told me, that not only did that first vet misdiagnose Gigi and Zoe, with the wrong type of Liver Disease, but she provided them with treatment and medications, that were all wrong, and not at all effective! All these months that I had been shoving, a number of different prescribed medications down their throats, I come to find out, that they were the wrong medications, and none of them were helping neither one of my dogs! All the once a week vet visits, for months, were not necessary! The prescribed diet that the first vet put them both on, and that I was syringe feeding both of them, for the last 3 months, every 3 hours, 24/7, only made their digestive systems a lot worse, than what they already were! The new vet told me, that if the first vet would have had the right diagnosis in the first place, that Gigi would have been alive today and pretty much back to normal! She died for absolutely no reason or for reasons that could have easily been avoided! Right now, my husband and I are fuming at the first vet, because Gigi died for nothing and unnecessarily suffered in the process! Each and every time, Gigi was obviously going downhill, we were at the vet and I had asked the first vet, if we should consider putting her down, because I did not think it was fair that she had to suffer anymore, but she always told me, that she had a new treatment she wanted to try, before she even considered putting Gigi down. Everytime I asked her if Gigi even had a chance at survival, she would bring my hopes up by telling me that she would be fine, but it would take a few months to get her back to normal, to continue what I'm doing at home, giving her, her medication and being that she was a vet, I trusted her advice, and her advice killed Gigi! Hopefully, it's not too late to save Zoe! My husband and I are already heartbroken over the loss of Gigi, and then to find all this out today, we are both now fuming. Has anyone ever had this happen to them? Is there any kind of action, that I can take against the first vet, so she can pay for killing Gigi and not do the same thing to another innocent dog? Gigi was only 2 years old, with a whole life ahead of her and now she's gone!!! My husband and I are both so ---- pissed right now, it's not even funny!!! What would you do, if this happened to you?
Would you please do me a great big favor and Star this question? Thanks!
This is Gigi!