so the fairytale Rumpelstiltskin is sure to have a factual base?
if so what is it??? whats your proof
please people whats the proof to your statements
Freud was right about you Robert L
Malruhn yours makes the most sense
Sirius did you read the question...what is the fact behind it??? DUH!
Favorite Answer
Rumpelstiltskin is a story - not a myth or legend.
It was a story about hope being eternal - and good triumphing over evil and greed. It's a story - just like Harry Potter - just a story. Being a story doesn't make it either a myth OR legend.
I believe Rumpelstiltskin was a shaman who practiced soccery and diviation. He could have exisited thier is no such thing as mythology all mythology has some sort of proof of it really happending.