Can secondhand smoke make you sick?

My new hubby smokes, as does our roommates and pretty much everyone in the Army. Well, it seems that way anyway. I don't smoke, but I do have to spend a lot of time around it, more than I'm used to.

I got this tickle in my lungs and I can't quit coughing or breathe deeply, and I'm pretty nauseated and want to throw up. If it's just problems with the smoke, then I don't want to go to the doctor cause there's nothing they can do, but I feel like crap.

I know little kids that are around secondhand smoke don't stay sick, so I don't know how really sick it can make you.


Fishlake, what about the unfiltered smoke that burns off the ends of cigarettes? That stuff smells worse than what they exhale.


((((((((((((((Ms. Stevie)))))))))))))))


Favorite Answer

Yes. And if you are not used to it, it can make you nauseated. (rule out pregnancy too) And when you add a baby Prince(ss) to the mix, you'll have to deal with your maternal protective instincts to shelter him/her from harmful affects.



It can make you sick feeling, but it is just propaganda that it causes problems like cancer. Consider the source for most of these answers you've received. Your lungs retain some of the toxins everytime you inhale a cigarette, so how can secondhand smoke be more dangerous? Does it have MORE bad stuff in it after you exhale? Of course not.
Developing lungs in babies or young children can develop into problems later on, but no more than breathing secondhand car exhaust every time you are around cars, burn dinner on the stove, or your neighbor burns his leaf pile.

To use the reasoning of some of the above answers, you should start smoking because it's safer to inhale firsthand smoke.

It is a nasty habit, insist that a window be opened, or ask the smokers to step outside [including your hubby].


Actually second hand smoke can make a nonsmoker very sick. That is why most places have started to ban smoking. You can no longer smoke in bars as well as in most businesses. Second hand smoke has been proven to bring on a lot of illnesses such as asthma and
allergies, it can leave you with flu like symptoms and so much more and cause all kinds of breathing conditions. You should actually go to the doctor and get your self checked out it might be something serious you may actually have pneumonia. If this is due to the second hand smoke just to say the heck with it won't make you better, you will actually end up even sicker. No one on this site can tell you what's wrong you need to go see a doctor

The angels have the phone box.2008-08-25T04:13:42Z

The science is crystal clear, as is your personal experience, and mine, and hundreds of thousands of other people -- second hand smoke is dangerous to your health.

Since you've just moved into this situation, now is the time to start negotiating practices that will reduce your overall exposure. If your husband is willing to only smoke outside, that would help tremendously. Especially if you're planning on having children eventually; given today's society, you can't protect them from all toxins, but this is one that you do have a fair degree of control over.

People who smoke, or are around second-hand smoke, need more vitamin C because it's used up in detoxing the some of its components. If you're not supplementing vitamin C already, it would probably be a good idea to do so.

Feel free to write to me if you want more information.

~ Simone ~2008-08-24T19:21:38Z

YES second hand smoke can definitly make you sick, it's just as bad, if not worse, than actually smoking. All the chemicals including arsenic, acetone, tar and all the rest is still drawn into the lungs when you breathe. If you've seen all the quit smoking adds then you are probably aware of what smoking can do to the body. Yes, second hand smoke is deadly and can give every cancer in the body. Id stay away from smokers when they're smoking.

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