How do you like the music they play at the grocery stores?
How do you like the music they play at the grocery stores? For the most part I like their music cause they have a wide variety of music and they play alot of songs you don't normally hear on AM/FM Radio.
ƱJanoƱ loves the ƱColtsƱ2008-08-25T09:24:45Z
Favorite Answer
Where I shop they play good old Rock & Pop classics. Some are songs that bring back some mighty sweet memories. Others, are good old songs I haven't heard in years.
I don't like the music, it's always old boring songs. But I don't spend much time shopping so music for me is fine, as long as I listen to my ipod, I don't care.
i don´t like it cause they only play it to make you feel good and shop more so everytime i go and listen to their music i´m conscious of this fact and i don´t enjoy the music