My kid wants to make the top of her desk blue...?
Which is fine with me. It's a $30 little clearance desk she uses to do her homework. It's laminated particle board so painting really wouldn't make sense... Regular acrylics would just scrape off and anything stronger is just not suitable for a kid's desk, and painting a desk with the littler kids running around is definitely out. It seemed to me that for the purpose contact paper seems the best option. I'm having a surprising amount of trouble finding it, however. I have found some at Target and the grocery store, but beige seems to be the dominating color. It's not like she's picky about the shade of blue, she just wants blue, but they had none. I can order online of course, though I have even found some trouble locating it on the net, but I would really rather just walk into a store, buy a roll and stick it onto the danged desk.
So what I'm wondering is, first: what other stores would sell the stuff, preferably more varieties? Second: is there something else I could use that would result in a smooth, reasonably non-toxic surface (she's ten, she won't be chewing on it)? Third: does it go by any other names I could use in my online search?