If Undertaker's streak were to end...?

Which would you rather have happen? Would you like to see his streak ended by a main event, veteran competitor like Shawn Michaels or Triple H, or by a young, up-and-coming heel so that WWE could build basically that person's entire career around that one victory?


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I don't want anyone to end takers wrestlemania streak. But if it MUST happen, There is only ONE WAY I could deal with someone breaking his legacy.

Wrestlemania main event: Undertaker vs Triple H. HELL IN THE CELL


Veteran competitor and it's kane. Young upcomers huh? What if someday that young upcomer get into the drugs or another criminal cases? It won't be good to hear " The Undertaker has been defeated by a drugs user at WM". Young upcomers = no guarantee!

dark phoenix2008-08-29T03:02:00Z

I hope it wont end but if it were to I would have it end at HBK's hands as a way of both of them cementing their legacies as two of the WWE's greatest performers ever. Currently there is no young star worthy enough to end Taker's streak


A young up and comer. Triple H and Shawn Michaels don't need their ego's inflating any more, they already have big enough ones.


it should be ended by kane and then taker burns kane and then kane kills taker and kills him slef while trying and that's the best way to end their storyline so they can retire.

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