why can't i find the moon ?

at least 2 times this week it hasnt been up in the sky and it has been perfectly clear nights. where has the moon gone??

Wile E.2008-08-30T22:01:18Z

Favorite Answer

Probably because the current moon phase is new moon, which means that the moon is between the earth and the sun. Light does not reflect off the moon during this phase, so we can't see it. It's up there, though.

The dark side of the moon is always facing away from the earth. This is because the rotation of the moon takes just as long as it takes the moon to orbit the earth.

Keep looking up.


The Moon moves around the Earth relative to the Sun once every 29 days, so is not always visible in the sky at a particular time.

The Moon has been a waning crescent, only visible just before sunrise and in the morning, for the past week. New Moon was yesterday, meaning that the Moon was very close to the Sun in the sky and had its dark side turned towards us, so was not visible. The waxing crescent Moon should be visible right after sunset tonight or tomorrow night.

poornakumar b2008-08-30T22:02:12Z

Yesterday was 'new moon'. What it implies is you are facing the dark side of moon. You can see an object only when it reflects light. To complicate the matter of visibility, moon is nearest to sun; not in the same line but a few degrees either to the left (North if it is morning) or to the right (South in morning). If it is in the same line it would be Solar Eclipse (Moon blocking sun). Earth has got nothing to do with it and is not blocking sunlight from hitting the part of the moon that is facing us (this situation defines Lunar Eclipse that can occur on the opposite side on full moon that falls midway between two new moons, or the same as full moon falls between two new moons).


Well it's *not* because the moon is in its new phase. Right now it's in what's called the waning crescent and is very thin. Also the moon doesn't rise until about 6:30 am (depending on where you are) and the sun is beginning to rise about the same time so its light may be hiding the moon.


The moon has been waning recently, and as it wanes in come up later and later in the night. Just wait a few days and you will start seeing a crescent moon as the sun sets. Here is a site that will tell you the times of the moon rise and set, as well as times for the sun and all the other planets

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