Today is the 2nd of Sep, Why our oil price didn't drop?

Right now the Crude oil is keep going down. Why our still remain after the 15 sen drop?


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You didn't really think it was gonna snow did you?
hehe -

Ryuzaki "L" The KiD2008-09-02T18:10:57Z

They have to stick with the same price because, if theres an increse later on, they gv this excuse so you'll keep support the government.

"when other countries increase the price of oil, we didnt because we love you"

Actually, that other countries reduced the price before nad put it back after the increse long time ago. back with the same price but we know who will win the praising- the one that didnt increase the oil price.


they say tat evry 2 weeks oil prices will be revised...
but evrytime the oil prices incease.. they increase the next ay too


it always lags a few days when it drops, but if it rises they raise the price instantly, they are just ripping us off


The by elections are over.

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