Integral of cos^2(Φ) dΦ over interval 0 to 2π?

This is part of a bigger problem, but I hope you can please help me solve the integral of cos^2(Φ) dΦ, especially over the interval 0 to 2π. Thanks in advance!


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the trick here is to use some trig substitutions

start with:


along with:


then we have that


which leads to:


integrating gives you:

Integral[cos^2(x) dx]=1/2 Integral[1-cos(2x) dx]

evaluating should give you the value pi


Integral of cos^2(Φ) dΦ over interval 0 to 2π = (1/2)2π = π
Ideas: cos^2(Φ) = (1/2)(1+cos2Φ), and the period of cos2Φ is π.

D G2008-09-04T20:41:56Z

use the fact that cos(2Φ) = 2cos^2(Φ) - 1
So just replace:
cos^2(Φ) = (cos(2Φ) + 1) / 2
Integral of this is (1/2) [ (1/2)sin(2Φ) + Φ ]
Just substitute 0 and 2π...