How to get gas out of a totaled 1996 Geo Prism? Tank apparently has siphon blocking. Anyone know of a way?
I added $50 in gas right before the accident which totaled my car. The insurance company is coming to take it away (Ha ha!) tonight and I'd kind of like to drain the tank before giving it to them.
Well, I'm not giving any points for the suggestion to stick a hose in an siphon the gas. I already said the car has siphon blocking. The hose won't go all the way in. Keep trying!
Ken E2008-09-05T09:52:23Z
Favorite Answer
Do it like the thieves. Cut a hole in bottom of tank and drain it into pans then pour it into gasoline containers. You might need to jack that little puppy up to get access to it.
Just use a hose, stick one end in the tank suck the hose put you thumb over the hose opening before gas gets to your mouth (that stuff is nasty since they removed the lead) fill each gas can (you can't go car to car because the receiving end has to be lower then the donor.
Come on suck the gas you wanna be a wussy all your life? OK its nasty but how did he almost die?
Sending this question out in May of 2016 because I was doing a Google search trying to figure out the same answer. The same things has happened to my mother. She had just filled her tank when she got into an accident. I was wondering if you ever found if you're able to get past that block and were able to pay for the gas? (Same make, model, year of vehicle.)