Growth rate of trees?

I have some baby maple trees that are only 2 inches in height. They started out as tiny sprouts, and I water them daily. Will they continue to grow in the fall or winter, or do they go dormant? And about how many inches will they typically grow annually? Mama wants to know when they will grow up to be a big tree??


The Darkness- That is very interesting. Especially what you said about the seedlings taking two years to germinate. Because this is a new home purchased two years ago, and this year my yard was saturated with baby trees, so I just decided to let some of them come up. I live in Ohio, if that helps.

The darkness2008-09-05T13:42:37Z

Favorite Answer

Sorry you really need some more information for anyone to answer this properly. Growth is very climate and species specific. The one thing I can answer for sure is that they'll stop growing in the fall. Climate plays a huge role in how long trees grow, for example in Sweden they'll grow well for only about one month in the whole year even though summer lasts for about 3 months. In New Zealand they grow at least 4-5 times as fast in a season. I'm guessing that with 2 inch seedlings that they had already naturalised as most people don't realise they take 2 years to germinate. I would suggest to look for similar trees in the area to guess how big they'll grow. Many will reach 25m or more for example red, silver, or Oregon maples and almost all have beautiful rich autumn colour.