Need help on pronouncing this German phrase?

'es lässt sich nicht lesen

I am voice recording a story for Halloween and I have NO idea how to pronounce this. My guess is ESS LAHZT SEEK NIKT LESSEN.

If you could do a voice record or point me to one of it that would be ideal!


Favorite Answer

ess lesst ziCH niCHt layzen

ess (like the letter S)
lesst (rhymes with best)
ziCH (a short i and the CH is kind of like the H at the beginning of the name Hugh, but exaggerated)
niCHt (a short i and the CH is kind of like the H at the beginning of the name Hugh, but exaggerated)
layzen (almost rhymes with raisin, but try to keep the ay from gliding off into an eee sound)


Close: ESS LEST SICK NIKT LAYZEN. But the ch isn't pronounced exactly like a K--it's more guttural, almost like clearing your throat. In some parts of Germany, it's softer than that, almost like sh.


In German, the "ch"-sound is

guttural "ch" sound after a, o, u and au (harsh in the throat)

palatal "ch" sound after i, ie, e (as if you are breathing in a lot of air)


ess lest zeesh neesht lay-zuhn