I sliced up a red onion for a dinner I made last night and I can still smell them on my hands. Any hints on how to get rid of the smell or do I just have to wait for it to go away?
Thanks everyone. I don't have a lemon here at work but I tried the coffee grounds and it worked like a charm!
Favorite Answer
You can use the coffee that you used in your coffee machine, rub it really good all over your hands. Coffee absorbs smell really good. Alternative: Use fresh lemon, cut it on half and rub it all over your fingers and palms, make sure you get enough juice on you:) These two will definately solve your problem. They're classics.
At Bed Bath and Beyond they sell this little (what looks like) a steel bar of soap. It takes the onion smell away. That won't work now, but in the future it will help prevent that smell at work! ;)
Use a good, anti-bacterial hand soap and wash your hands thoroughly. You could even use one of those fancy hand scrubs with those exfoliating things that smell really good. Works wonders! You could also try lemon which should work well (hope you like lemon), or tomato paste. Some people even use shampoo...but I don't think you'd wanna do that.
Good Luck getting rid of the stench! (and be prepared the next time you slice onions!!)