What can be done if you can't afford expensive dental work?

I had a check up with my family dentist this week and I had x-rays done...
She claims I need $2,000.00 dollars worth of dental work...
I am out of work 6 years so I do not qualify for a loan or credit...
I have no money saved up cause I just spent it all on my moms funeral...
I need the work done before it becomes worse...
How do I do this?


Favorite Answer

Apply for medicaid and it will take care of your dental problems.

Sorry to hear about your mom's death. My thoughts are with you in this trying time

Good luck


I am so sorry for your loss. I would defintely get a second opinion. You didn't say what type of work you need done. Try looking at www.dentalandmedicalplans.com they offer discount benefits and you can use immediately same day. You can even see the fee schedule for the different dentist or specialist in your area by zip code. It is $14.95 a month and they take preexisting. Hope this helps. Take care


You are not the only person like yourself.Speak with your dentist and find out about doing your treatment in stages. Also, for the expensive parts find if the dentist is willing to take monthly payments.
After you explain your circumsatances I'm sure this dentist will have empathy and provide a solution.
Good luck.


Try to find a dental school near you. the offer a GREAT quality dentistry. the bad thing about them, it can take these students double the time a general dentist will take. another great option is "CARE CREDIT" look it up on line