How can I plug a leak in a very large air mattress?
We have a very large air mattress - queen size, double height - that sprung a leak. It was very slow at first, but now it's far worse ... you're down in a big sink hole by morning!
I think it's really too big to try to figure out where the leak is and patch it with a vinyl patch. (Already tried to find the leak - couldn't.) Anyone have experience with other products? Something like Fix-a-Flat that I could spray into the air nozzle?
I should have said - I am aware of how you should proceed when trying to find the leak, and I do have a patch kit. I've done the water and bubbles thing. Can't find the leak.
I stress - this thing is HUGE. It is 20 inches thick (the size of a box springs and mattress combined) and queen sized. There's no way you're going to get this thing into a tub or something - even half inflated. It's more like a big bed that happens to inflate.