Can you see the light?

My apartment complex just replaced the bulbs in all of their ungodly-bright white lights everywhere. I was able to sit outside with a clipboard and hand-write my letter of complaint from the "darkest" spot I was able to find. You could litterally play a game of street football in the parking lot!

Is nothing sacred? I know that my letter of complaint will receive a mere boilerplate "we're sorry, but we have to stop the burglars" response, but this is just too aggregiously bright to not complain. Is there anything more that I can bring up in my complaints to them? Certainly nobody gives a damn about seeing the stars, which will most CERTAINLY be impacted now - you can clearly see colors in this light, which means that your night vision is destroyed.

God, I'm so pissed!


I've considered a pellet gun as a joke to make myself feel better, but I'm not one to vandalize things. If I were to vandalize something here, it would be that blasted gate that closes at dark, and forever has morons piled up unable to enter their codes, or gets stuck closed. I would love to throw that into the LHC black holes if I could!! :)


I guess a good question for folks to answer in response to this: do bright lights at night make you feel safer? Do you honestly think they reduce crime?

(the rest is just me ranting to let off some steam)


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I 100 percent agree with you! I moved to an apartment with a balcony and a great southern view over looking some trees and a stream. It's beautiful for star gazing! But, about 50 feet down, at the end of the building, there is a &%##@# street light! I don't advocate vandalism, but I have frequently thought about shooting it out.


Ok... my grandmother's road has virtually no lights at all... very few, and I have never heard of a robbery there. My house has 3 street lights right by us, and car theft is a problem- take that however you wish.

People really don't care about light pollution. Well, a couple cities do, but not many. I know Davis, California has a law that all street lights must have a cap over them so they are directed only to the ground. It helps, but not much.

If the LHC was going to make a black hole, the first priority of things I would throw in it would be:

1. The street lights.
2. The moon-hoaxers (newest nickname is the "lunar looses")
3. The doomsday prophets (includes Nibiru Nutters and Hadron Haters)

Good luck... I know how annoying light pollution is. I have to drive an hour out to get a relatively clear view of the sky, and even then it isn't so great. I do see the light... but I try to move away from the light... theists might take that differently than you and I do.


Lights off.


The Rolling Stones song Paint It Black says it best, get a can of flat black spray paint and paint the light bulbs black to dim the light, when the manager of the apartment comes around just say a bunch of kids did it.


Break them, and say it was vandals.
Keep breaking them until they get the picture.
Leave no evidence it was you.
And stop complaining so they won't have an idea it was you.

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