Can you see the light?
My apartment complex just replaced the bulbs in all of their ungodly-bright white lights everywhere. I was able to sit outside with a clipboard and hand-write my letter of complaint from the "darkest" spot I was able to find. You could litterally play a game of street football in the parking lot!
Is nothing sacred? I know that my letter of complaint will receive a mere boilerplate "we're sorry, but we have to stop the burglars" response, but this is just too aggregiously bright to not complain. Is there anything more that I can bring up in my complaints to them? Certainly nobody gives a damn about seeing the stars, which will most CERTAINLY be impacted now - you can clearly see colors in this light, which means that your night vision is destroyed.
God, I'm so pissed!
I've considered a pellet gun as a joke to make myself feel better, but I'm not one to vandalize things. If I were to vandalize something here, it would be that blasted gate that closes at dark, and forever has morons piled up unable to enter their codes, or gets stuck closed. I would love to throw that into the LHC black holes if I could!! :)
I guess a good question for folks to answer in response to this: do bright lights at night make you feel safer? Do you honestly think they reduce crime?
(the rest is just me ranting to let off some steam)