Curious how many people would love their job?
if it wasn't for their boss, that makes them miserable!
if it wasn't for their boss, that makes them miserable!
Damsel McDreamy
Favorite Answer
Love the job, hate the boss!
traveling supervisor
Actually I have a great boss,,, attentive, reasonably compassionate, unassuming and not a back crawler. After being in the job market for 38 years and having worked under some true horror story folks, I do believe I am extremely lucky to have this person as my boss.
I've always worked concrete; I love it as far picking a trade, and have always liked my boss' as much as they've liked me. It's everybody else that makes me miserable. I usually like the guys that sign my check, though.
Right now I work as a stay-at-home-dad, and I can't stand that guy.
am the boss
i work for a big company and the whole company makes me miserable