Curious how many people would love their job?

if it wasn't for their boss, that makes them miserable!

Damsel McDreamy2008-09-13T09:14:44Z

Favorite Answer

Love the job, hate the boss!

traveling supervisor2008-09-13T15:34:31Z

Actually I have a great boss,,, attentive, reasonably compassionate, unassuming and not a back crawler. After being in the job market for 38 years and having worked under some true horror story folks, I do believe I am extremely lucky to have this person as my boss.


I've always worked concrete; I love it as far picking a trade, and have always liked my boss' as much as they've liked me. It's everybody else that makes me miserable. I usually like the guys that sign my check, though.

Right now I work as a stay-at-home-dad, and I can't stand that guy.


am the boss


i work for a big company and the whole company makes me miserable

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