Random Shutting Down?

I build computers and I recently built one for my father.

Now, it has begun to just shut off (not through windows, but a hardware shut-off).

I have diagnosed every piece of hardware in separate PC's with different parts, tests, and everything. There is not overheating, double-checked with an actual temperature monitor. It can't be software because windows doesn't even begin to boot.

The only thing I can conceive is a physical defect in the hard disk, which I used from an older system, and that caused a hard crash. Any ideas?


This is a brand new system, and I am not building a new one. I can't boot from CD, the system turns off too quickly to even POST. The only part not new is the Hard Disk.


There is no battery, it's a desktop system. Don't answer the question if you don't know what you are talking about, please.


Quite strangely, the problem has been solved. There is a 'curse' in the spot of the computer, and there is just enough of a magnetic field to malfunction the computer. Strangeness, indeed.


Favorite Answer

Check the PSU is ok and you connected the power cables to the motherboard and the other devices correctly. Also check the cpu has proper cooling that the fan is installed properly and you connected the cables to supply power to it correctly.


try a different HDD in that System to see if that is it. also try flashing the bios or even upgrading the bios

don't you hate it when you build one for a friend or relitive and it goes sour ;(

So you have change the primary boot disc to the cd in the bios and it wont boot, that eleminates the HDD as the issue. It is either a bios or MOBO/CPU issue again I would flash the bios


Use a boot CD, or you can re-build or build another one..


maybe the batery is like dieing i really dont know i am not in to that sorta stuff