Cats cats cats cats cats?

Is cat hide strong enough to make gloves?


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wrong section, ask in cats...


Oh yes! All the time lol, it makes me jump up with fright and say sorry (cats name) and then I realise it is just one of the cats rubber balls that I am stepping on. It is so funny when that happens! lol


yes, at least the lining. Hundreds of "rabbit farms" are closed down every year throughout the world for actually using cats for fur lining. If I ever caught someone using them though, I am quite sure that I would be the one going to jail.


Leave the cats alone. They are not hurting you. They are just trying to do the same thing you are doing--surviving.

TEH TYME KITTEH =^..^=2008-09-13T13:14:44Z

Cat gut used to be used in Tennis Racquet's.

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