How much does it cost to put a dog to sleep?

We have an old dog who has stopped eating and drinking. Rather than letting her starve to death we want to have her put down, but don't know how much it costs. We have almost no money to spend and are afraid that the vet will require a bunch of tests. Can we just say 'Do it' and they do it? How much would just the putting down cost? We have place in the yard to bury her.


need help2008-09-13T18:47:54Z

Favorite Answer

Hear in NJ the cost is $100.00
I'm so sorry you are faced with doing this its not easy to do .
make shore you stay there petting her telling her how much you love her cause when they put that needle in it don't take long .Take it from someone who has been there two times already .
The vet will not make you do any test you don't want done .
The sad part is hear in NJ a vet will put down a healthy animal if the owner wants it done .
I think laying her to rest in the back yard is a great idea that's were my animals go when they die . after all I want them close to the family .
and cremation cost so much .

I'm so so sorry for your loss .


I have had 2 animals put to sleep and my vet has never charged us for either (they were family pets that had gone to that vet for 12+ years) But I can't see the injection costing more than $20.00 and absolutely not more than $50. Call your vet and ask :)

Since it is old and having problems yes they will probably just do it.

I am sorry you are having to make this decision : (

** I read some of the other answers and I guess my prices were rather low. Makes me appreciate my Vet Clinic even more!!


The cost where I work is around 100 dollars if we have never seen the animal before. If we have seen them on a regular basis it's considerably cheaper (40 bucks). The vet will respect your decision and will not make you run bloodwork. You can always call clinics and hospitals around your area and ask for prices. I'm sorry about your dog.


Hi, I understand that you are looking for some advice or resources to help fully train your dog or fix behavior problems. If a professional dog trainer is not an option at this time, or if you want to trt training your dog on your own (a great way to bond), I'd suggest you

A friend recommened it to me a few years ago, and I was amazed how quickly it worked, which is why I recommend it to others. The dog training academy also has as an excellent home training course.

Animal Lover2008-09-13T18:36:15Z

Well I know it depends on the size of the dog. It could cost anywhere from $75 to $150. If money is an issue I would try an animal shelter or your local SPCA.

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