What can OSU do over the length of an average midwest winter to develope defensive team speed?

It is well known that a lot of serious athletic recruits like to migrate to warm weather when choosing a university. What can the OSUs and Michigans and Golden Domers do to counteract this? You guys' answers on the spread offense were impressive. Help! Big Ten stuck in slow motion!

Ben Linus2008-09-14T00:31:44Z

Favorite Answer

OSU's defense wasn't the problem in the loss to USC. USC is going to score points on ANYONE if they get the ball enough times with the talent they have.

The fact that OSU's offense couldn't move the ball at all after the1st quarter meant that they kept giving USC the ball in good field position time after time. I don't care how fast any defense in the country is, if you keep giving USC's incredibly talented offense the ball with good field position, USC is going to score repeatedly and relentlessly.

Robert C2008-09-14T00:34:05Z

While weather does play a big role in football...I don't think it plays a big role in the decision High School kids make as to what school they will attend.

I don't care if Ohio State was proved to be overrated...most High School kids in the country would still love to play for them.

Of course most kids would take USC over Ohio State, but that has nothing to do with the weather. That has to do with who has been better and who has the brighter future.

Now that I think about it a bit more...you may be on to something. As the last time a cold weather team won the title..it was Ohio State. And before that is was Michigan...but we are talking over a 10 yr period.

You have brought up a valid argument...Do warm weather teams do better?

If you look at the list of past champions...the warmer climate teams actually do have the upper hand. But that might not be due to weather.


Well there is one thing you cant coach in this world and that is speed. All the OSU's and UM's and golden domers have to do is RECRUIT faster players


Big-Ten players aren't slow. It's just that Pac-10 is faster.

Livin' On Love2008-09-14T01:37:37Z