Can you re-bake an apple pie?

I baked an apple pie and let it cool like the recipe said and when i cut into it, it was all watery not set and the apples were still a little crunchy. Can I re-bake it? Will it make it better? ??? Help I made it from scratch and i really want to eat it.


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Yes you can re-bake the pie. But if the crust is golden and doesn't need to be baked anymore, put a sheet of foil over the top, loosely, then put in the oven.




You can re-bake and apple pie. For mine I set my oven at 400 for 50 - 60 minutes. The one suggestion I have is place tin foil around any exposed crust so it won't burn. You could take the tin foil off with 10 minutes left to give a little crunch, but it's up to you.


It sounds like you didn't thicken it enough, aside from the fact it was undercooked. You might get away with it but you'd have to watch the crust didn't get way too brown. Maybe cover it with foil. What I sometimes do if something is too watery is take out one piece and spoon out the liquid. That would bother me more than the crispy apples.


ya you could re bake it but just watch it cook