Would you trade Adrian Peterson (MIN) for Tomlinson right now?

The commish of our league has LT and really wants AP, because he's disappointed with LT and he's now 0-and-2. His logic for the AP owner to make the trade is that LT will eventually go off for massive points, which would offset the consistent production of at least 15 to 20 points by AP each week, with the potential for more like 30+.

I told the commish that nothing about a trade like that makes sense for the owner of AP. The owner of AP also said that he was nuts for even proposing such a trade.

But, he replied that the AP owner was crazy not to jump at that trade and he would check out the message boards to see what other people have to say.

So, is there anyone out there who would even consider that trade?


The Peterson owner also has Michael Turner, Felix Jones, and Leon Washington. I played her yesterday and beat her 82 to 78. If she had Tomlinson instead of Peterson, it wouldn't have even been close.


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Consider it maybe, but I wouldn't trade a healthy AP for LT who isn't healthy. Generally, I wouldn't do this kind of deal anyway unless it resolved a big bye week problem. A straight up trade between two equivalent guys at the same position is pointless otherwise. It's just a guess between the two.


It's a good trade- I'd do it to address bye week problems.

Of course it depends on how serious LT's turf toe is... Assuming he's over it in a week or two, I'd rather have LT. Keep in mind that AP is a very injury-prone player (that was his problem even in college) so he's unlikely to play as many games.

Expect LT to rack up more fantasy points on the year..


It depends on what the rest of my team looked like. If I had a decent team and could afford to loose some points now while LT nurses his big toe and wanted the extra boost that he will probably have during the playoff season I might consider it. I would have to look at their schedules at the end of the year to see who is playing the weaker defenses. The downside to AP is that he is the entire vikings offense and when teams figure out how to slow him down he won't be as productive.


I would consider the trade only for the reason that AP is so injury prone and LT ussually does turn it on latter in the season but I am not so sure about LT's health at this time either

Ruth G2008-09-16T11:32:50Z

I wouldn't trade but I don't know very much except the statistics favor Peterson. I go with the statistics.

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