What does this mean to you "history is to group as memory is to an individual"?


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history is to group= history is everybody business
memory is to an invidual=memory is your own business... your own history


Memories make up history as individuals make up groups

Red Raven2008-09-17T04:15:40Z

Sounds to me like a comparison. Probably about physical or mental recording of events passed; manifest as written history- or memory

Christine S2008-09-17T04:16:19Z

Lets see i am gonna go with history is the way a group interprets events, just like memory is how you interpret events. it is not always what happened sometimes it depends on who tells it. ex: civil war; we think it was a great stand for freedom in USA, but Britain thinks rebellion


meaning we learn from our mistakes our memory serves us the purpose to remember what happened before

history is the memory of the world to us as a group.

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