If you won the lottery....?

What would you guys do if you won the lottery for say 90 million dollars, would you keep it all for yourself, or offer some to others.
If I ever won that much money I would give some to breast cancer research and donate some to children's cancer hospital. I would also donate some to Alzheimer's Research...
Then, I would buy my grandparents a house on the lake that they've always wanted. My parents would have to get some of course, and they'd never have to worry about money.
Then the rest I'm not sure about. I'm sure I'd spend millions on myself and my son, then put the rest in the bank


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i would give some to my brothers and sisters (all 7 of them) and to my 2 brothers in laws, make sure my mom and my mother in law wanted for nothing. donate to the cancer foundation in my grandfather's name, the diabetes foundation in my grandmother's name, and any other charity that is trying to find cures for diseases. i would pay off all of my debts and try to live a comfortable life without using a credit card.


I would buy a few nice houses in different places, make sure they are paid off, with the hopes that they would increase in value and keep that portion of money safe. I'd set aside money for a wedding and a kid if I ever have either one of those. I'd make sure my immediate family had their homes and cars paid off completely. My friends would get something frivolous and nice, or a small hunk of money (their choice). I'd like to think I would donate a big hunk of money to charity.

But who knows what they'd really act like If they won that kind of loot? For all I know I'd go nuts and hole up in my apartment and never spend a dime. Or blow it all on fur coats. Money makes people crazy!


..I wouldn't be sitting here right now. I'd be back in school. I actually really liked being in school.

I'd also help my close family members get out of debt and make sure that they could live comfortably.

Then I'd shower my sister with all of the amazing things she deserves cause I love her more than life.

Then I'd fund research to help advance something worthwhile. Being broke means that I haven't really thought about where I'd put money other than toward my student loans so I'd have to figure out where I could make the most change.


I would pay off my school loans and other debts. Then I would give some to my family and charity. Last I would travel and buy a house somewhere on a island in the Mediterranean Sea.


I did give 1 million each to my loved ones...n keep 5 million myself...and donate rest

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