How often do you wake up in a cold sweat because you had yet another dream about...?

the very real possibility of a hobo breaking into your house and stealing all of your precious butter?


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How dare we, as a society, deny a hobo his or her God given right to USDA Grade AA butter.

how dare we, young lady. You should be scared! One, two, Freddy's coming for you. Three, four, better lock the door, and so on.


okay, so I felt bad about my misleading quotes. And I follow you and your stupid dots here only to reveal hobos and butter ...

what the hell Ding - you don't dream about me anymore? Is this your way of rubbing it in because our churning butter moments are officially a thing of the precious past??


dont like butter so that bit of the dream wouldnt bother me

but id probably kill the hobo, coz most of my dreams involve me hurting or killing people!


Ever had a dream and when you wake up people are still there trying to kill you? That's the worst


It's for that very reason that I have strategically placed a trip wire on my butter dish.

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