If durning Watergate if Nixon would have simply stated that he bugged the DNC for the good of the nation?

Would that have been the end of it?
State Rep. Mike Kernell confirmed Thursday that his son, a University of Tennessee-Knoxville student, is at the center of heated Internet discussion into the hacking of the personal e-mail of vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.
David Kernell stated on a web blog (under an alias) that he only hacked Palin's E-mail for the good of the nation.


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If he had he would have gone to jail, Republicans hadn't perfected the art of declaring themselves above the law.
I don't know if an anonymous web blog under and alias is the perfect source, especially since another group has claimed responsibility, but either way, its illegal.
Just as Palins use of a private email address for government business was, but I don't think they will arrest her for it.


No that wouldn't have been the end of it. Why did he feel he needed to break in and eavesdrop on DNC and other offices. Weren't they worried back then that someday the actions of Republicans would catch up to them. Probably not. Republicans feel they are Gods chosen people and can therefore do anything they like without retribution.

As for Palin e-mail debacle, it's probably a ruse to get sympathy from their own party members because who ever gives their e-mail password away. She is probably denying an e-mail she sent by saying, " someone hacked my e-mail"

Mirriam M2008-09-18T16:45:43Z

Private citizens trying to get the scoop on lying politicians is for the good of the nation. One political party, that is in control, spying on, damaging and blackmailing the other party, that's not so good.

Good for the kid hacking those emails. Good for anyone who catches any politico, no matter what party, in their lies.

The good of the nation is served by the people learning the truth about their supposed leaders.

The supposed leaders engaging in cloak and dagger games is simply a sign that our government is corrupt.

I hope you can see the difference.

If Sarah Palin has something to hide, well let's get it unhid.


Carter set the fifty 5 mph nationwide velocity shrink, not Nixon. Nixon become not an exceedingly solid president, besides the incontrovertible fact that he did a minimum of accomplish a number of very valuable issues. i might desire to evaluate and assessment Nixon with Bush. Nixon become in contact with Watergate, for sure, which become our nationwide shame. Bush, besides the incontrovertible fact that, released an entire unprovoked conflict. Nixon become fiscally irresponsible, yet Bush has out spent ALL previous US presidents mixed. Nixon ended a conflict that were began on trumped up expenditures (the Gulf of Tonkin Incident). Bush released a pointless conflict. Nixon had particularly solid technological expertise regulations. Bush assaults technological expertise. Nixon upheld the form, exceptionally plenty. Bush has seen extra wholesome to rescind distinctive factors of it, and violate many of the worldwide treaties Nixon progressed and signed. maximum historians agree that there is little Bush might desire to do in his last 3 hundred and sixty 5 days to rescue his properly-cemented place as worst US president ever. i'm afraid i could concur with them.