I need help with my hamster please!?

she has a red mark below her left eye ive no idea how she got it, i have been playing with her and giving her food and water, please help


its like an open wound


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how big is it? if it's small like dot, then there's nothing to worry about. sometimes they scratch too much that they themselves cut their skin.

don't worry much! =) she'll be fine. i had a hamster that had his tail injured. not sure if he bit it too hard, but checked on it the 2nd/3rd day, his tail is already healed.


I would bring her in for a quick check up, but it's probably nothing to worry about.
There are many objects she could have furt herself on, like pushing to hard into the cage, running into the wheel, or even just scratching at her face a bit too hard. Get it checked on, but it's probably nothing.


Is it like an open wound or a rash? Or a bruise?