Is anybody else feeling disillusioned?

Is anybody else feeling a bit disillusioned with life in general? We live in a world where being individual is considered a crime, where people who do their own thing and don't follow trends (trends= Hollister, Abercrombie, JoBros, emo music, etc, etc.) are considered "weird", and where people are judged just by what they wear, what they listen to, etc. Politics is ruled by money and hypocrites, and societies focus on such small and stupid things as to what a celebrity is wearing, who's dating who, etc, rather than things that are actually important. What are your thoughts?

You may ask why this is in Rock And Pop. Well, it's an actual question, and the people here answer, and care. So, if you answer, thank you.


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I do my own thing and ignore everyone else who I can't compare with or socialize with. People obviously have no care for someone who has their own opinions and isn't with the "in" crowd, but I don't care for them. I think of myself and that's it.


My thoughts are that I came here to answer questions about Rock&Pop. It doesn't matter if it's a question - "Does this picture mean I have genital warts??" is a legitimate question as well. Yes, the people here answer. Do they care? I highly doubt it. They may swear up and down that they do - oh yes - but if you were to disappear and never answer again, no one would think twice. Sorry, just the way it is. Nothing against you - I'm sure the same would be said for me.

Since I'm here, I might as well answer.

You are 100% correct. Sheepism is now encouraged not only from teenagers and money-making corporations, but from teachers and the like as well. Today's society is ridiculous. A man kidnaps a little boy and rapes him for years, is caught, is charged for SEVEN YEARS, and is released on parole after five. What the f*ck? He didn't even stay in jail for the amount of time that he held the child captive!

Men beat their wives, mothers beat their children, Child Protective Services observe and do nothing - "Well yes, we visited once or twice. Yeah, the children had bruises on them. Yes, there was no food in the house. Um yep, there were insects all over the filthy house. Why? Oh, the baby died? Huh. Who'd have thought?"

The next decade or two shall prove to be VERY interesting.


I know i feel you, i guess we all are judged but then actually we judge ppl somehow unconsciously!

But, you're right, ppl are shut down because of what they wear "Labeling" ppl isn't good, I mean, the world finally got a break from racism but why stay in peace, we must do sth to tear us apart, so here comes the labeling"Emo, Goth, Punk, Nerd..."
yeah, def, celebrities are a great distraction for ppl, it's spreading to cover up the $hit that's happening all around us!
I mean the world is obviously collapsing all around us and all we care about is being an Anti-Jonas or being a Pro-Jonas, honestly i feel ashamed!
The Teens are all about celebrities, Adults are busy with work/making money/ prices..., old ppl are distracted by picking on each other!
The Puppeteers are playing their strings behind the curtains and we're witnessing it!!
Don't even get me started on politics that became a COOL thing, celebrities are all "I'm supporting this and that" politics lost its meaning, life goes on, but some day it'll just stop!
Iran is still making Nuclear weapons, Palestine has been in war for noone knows how long, We're consuming petrol, what will happen when it's out?! Solar energy?? Bluffing!
We're witnessing our own Apocalypse!
Global warming, what will we do about that? there's nothing to stop it, it's already showing up!
Seriously, who will save who now?
I mean, if you check out the news about other countries, there's stuff that u won't imagine could exist!
Don't get me started with this Country (UAE, Dubai) they Created an island in the sea, i mean take this extra money and give it to one of the countries of the 3rd world or whatever they call it, the poor countries!
ppl are like"OMG, did u know that Brangelina adopted another kid"
"Jennifer anniston is wearing an engadgement ring"
"Rihanna and Chris brown went ferrari shopping and then went to Burger king"
TMZ thank u very much!!
Really ppl wake up!

Shelby P2008-09-20T17:55:26Z

I think it's more of a distraction point blank period and just because you were Hollister Abercrombie and Fitch doesn't mean you're following a trend you could just wear it because you like it it's comfortable I read Twilight big deal why'd I read it because I wanted to not other reason I'll listen to Jo Bros why 1 it's impossible to escape and there music is catchy and because I want to Now TELL ME WHO'S BEING LAME THE PERSON WHO DOESN'T DO SOMETHING THEY WANT BECAUSE EVERYBODY ELSE IS DOING IT OR THE PERSON WHO'S DOING SOMETHING THAT JUST SO HAPPENS TO BE THE FAD OF THE DAY most people don't just jump on a train to be cool now some do but most people do stuff because they like it which is how things become popular somebody sees something and say woh that looks cool and another person sees them doing and says woh that looks cool and then it's a trend it's hard to be an individual to stick out and if you don't follow trends you aren't considered weird you're considered weird if you're anti-social and thinking killing people is cool

I think the world is sick because we made it that way everybody and I believe we're doing something to change it the hip thing is to go green that's a good trend hopefully people will jump on famine and diease train next and help prevent aids and other dieases


I wouldn't say "disillusioned". I resent all of it. I mean, I really don't care about trends. People walk around like mindless zombies following each and every fad. Fads and fashion fade, but people do not. If we don't open our eyes to see the person wearing the clothes, we are all doomed. I don't look at labels and trends. I wear and listen to whatever I want. I don't set limits and boundaries on myself. As for politics, I hate them because no one actually cares anymore. I'm less than thrilled with the presidential candidates. (I know someone is going to get mad about that statement but whatever.) People need to start caring about other people instead of being so self-absorbed and conceited. I mean have you seen My Super Sweet Sixteen or any other shows like that? It is unreal.

I'm glad that I'm not the only one sick of these standards that society seems to follow. You rock! lol

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