Is this a gross enough violation of the constitution to warrant action?
the following is from an ACLU mailing RE: legal action on behalf of Ali Saleh Kahlah al-Marri. "Al-Marri was first arrested in December 2001 at his home in Peoria, Illinois, where he was living with his wife and children. His case was scheduled to go to trial in July 2003 but was halted when President Bush took the extraordinary step of designating al-Marri an “enemy combatant” and transferring him to a military brig in South Carolina." Many people support indefinite holding of foreign terrorists but this is a US citizen who is no longer protected by the constitution and he was striped of that by the president. he has not had his day in court, All legal protections afforded you or I have been taken away on hearsay. And a secondary question, are you still confident that your constitutional rights are protected?
Favorite Answer
I am not confident at all with our constitutional rights!
The cops, the Judges, the court system-----------thanks to the patriot act we are one nation under surveillance! It's not funny anymore and I'm mad as hell that it is happening to our country. God gave everyone free will and it's up to us to make the right decision.
I am amazed how easily Americans give up their rights. This guy was a legal immigrant at the time.
Bush has done more against the Constitution than even wartime presidents. I am Republican and no longer support him, because he has gone to such great lengths to subvert the Constitution - and has the nerve to call it "The Patriot Act". Our gutless Congress signed on to it, and complained a little bit, later!
If he can suspend habeus corpus for legal immigrants, that means native born citizens are next - and we just sleep on.
All I can say is " A well regulated Militia, being necessarry to the security of a FREE STATE, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
He may have lost his life in the exchange, but at least he would have gone out with his boots on, and perhaps taken a couple of the gestapo b*stards in the process!
No I am not confident in the protection of my Constitutional rights. I am subjected to the incorrect assumption that I am mentally unsound for such an opinion. If that explains anything, it explains the mentality of lazy, greedy, uninformed, hypnotised society who have passively traded their civil liberties for credit and government intervention in every aspect of our lives. The evidence is there. But no one wants to see it.