Why does Hawaii have 3 interstate roads?


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While we'd like to believe Hawaii's Interstate system exists for the sole purpose of annoying George Carlin, the name is actually a misnomer. The truth is, not all Interstates physically go from one state to another; the name merely implies that the roads receive federal funding. In fact, the three Hawaii Interstates (H1, H2, and H3) only became Interstates as part of The Dwight D. Eisenhower System of Interstate and National Defense Highways.

Need more of an explanation? During his military travels, Ike had noticed how terrible the road conditions were, and how much they varied from state to state. So, when he became President, he quickly made efforts to up the road quality by sending some much-needed dough in that direction. And while the "Interstate" money was quickly allocated to improve the nation's comfort on the highways, it served a greater purpose: in the event of a Soviet attack, better roads made it easier to get supplies from one military base to another.

Anna P2008-09-21T22:47:35Z

The three interstates connect the military installation on Oahu--as supposedly do all the interstates in the country. It was the method by which the interstate system was brought into existence during the Cold War. They connect Wheeler AFB, Scofield Army Base, Kaneohe MCAS,. Hickam AFB, Pearl Harbor, Camp Smith and Fort Shafter.


To receive federal funding to build and maintain those roads just like any other interstates in the mainland.


Are you wondering why Hawaii has interstates?

Because they have to be called interstate highways to receive federal funding.

Why do we have three?

Because the first one connects one side of the island to the other, the second one connects the central district and North shore to the first one, and the thrid one connects the windward side to the first one. H1 is the oldest and H3 is the newest.

Hope that helps you......


I know, sounds weird right? What states do they go between... my guess is they made them "interstates" to get government funding for them.

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