Why do people believe in government conspiracies?

Over the past several months I've been thinking about the logistics of pulling off conspiracies people think our (USA) government has done.

And I can't help but think they are all just a big waste of time and money (money the government wants to keep for themselves).

It always seems to be a bunch of basement dwelling weirdos making up these wild stories just to make themselves feel valid and make money by selling their documentaries.

The government seems to only want two things: money and power. With the resources they have and the way our system is set up, they don't need to go to much trouble to get either one.


To World War III: I understand you, and you do have vaild points and I checked out the verichip corp. website. But all of this looks like very public info that government and corporations don't want to (or not trying) hide, unlike most conspiracy explanations.

Why is your info easier to find and confirm than others? If it's such a sinister plot.
That kind of what i'm trying to get at.


If I wanted a verichip I could buy one pretty easily


Favorite Answer

NWO is real. world bankers are real. greed is real, elites with world domination dreams are real. HUMAN NATURE & POWER HUNGRY GREED IS REAL
been this way since humans walked the earth

the Verichip is real, signed in by Bush. look it up yourself. do not take my word for it.

wars funded on both sides by the same people. the USA funded the Taliban, Iraq and Saddam. look it up. and the list goes on and on

NWO. World Domination. today the technology and economy status of Debt and terror, is all part of the plan.

At first it was strictly for medical purposes.
Then it was for security purposes (government).
Then for financial purposes (banks).
Now it is for COMMERCIAL purposes ( buying and selling)

do your own research about how they are used and who signed it in


Most of them are ridiculous. However, there are conspiracies with substance; such as the JFK assassination. Most polls conducted find that over 60% of the American population believe that the American government/CIA was behind the assassination.

If you keep an open mind and look into some things such as the JFK assassination, MK-Ultra, and others you will find that there is a lot of substance to some of them.

However, some conspiracy theories are ridiculous and are what stray other people away from them. Like the moon landing theory, etc.

J Q Public2008-09-21T23:17:42Z

Mainly because you can't trust the the government enough not to be involved.

The MLK JR assassination was a conspiracy theory,yet it was proven in a court of law that the government was involved.

added. If you recall McCarthy,that was the government believing in a conspiracy theory involving the government.


"Never underestimate the gullibility of the American public". - P Barnum

Movies, books, fake documentaries, and web information (most facts are not facts from web-based sources) sell and people tend to blend the boundaries between fact and fiction. It may be a product of the failure of US public schools as information is spoon fed and independent thinking is becoming a lost art with all the propaganda static in schools. Of course, if you read carefully, I just stated a conspiracy theory of sorts about schools (maybe :) ). With the addition of hind site, a somewhat believable story is easy to manufacture (usually by someone who actually believes it). In addition, years ago studies using rats determined that large, concentrated populations (like urban areas) induce mental illness, homosexuality, and violence so it is not such a stretch to believe that mental illness is rampant in modern society so many can be easily deluded. These people fully believe in what they are saying and, in the same way sane people become to believe in a cult, they lead normal people into believing even the wildest of theories.


Why do you have such blind faith in your government? Many conspiracy theories of the past have been proven true. Ever thought about the fact that so much US media is government controlled, hmmm?

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