Is there an "Economy meltdown"?

Whats your view on all the news about the US economy that's soon supposed to be in the next Great depression?? I personally don't know who to believe anymore!


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Yes, it is said that the US will be in meltdown mode. This was to be predicted in the upcoming weeks. It has so far already happened. Banks closing, schools not having funding, and the US owing money. It is only a matter of time before it completely happens. I was told by a number of sources, when it does, it will be wise to have extra blankets, candles, water ,and food. I do not know if it will be that bad. But it has been predicted by many reliable sources.


Yes the econonmy is going crazy and people have been losing their jobs. Huge firms such as Baresterns, Franny May and Freddie Mac, and Lehman Brothers are GONE. These ar ehuge firms and with them closing down its bad. Hundreds of thousand of people have lost their jobs. Merill Lynch was bough by Bank of American and AIG was bought by the government to save both of them so that our economy doesn't collapse. The last two standing firms Morgna Stanly and Goldman Sachs are huge too and just became banks to save their company. So many peeoples jobs are on the line but luckily things are starting to get a BIT better considering we havent lost Morgan or Goldman. This is very seriously and keep watching! Also if you work in wall street or stock.. STARTING SAVING MONEY! anything can happen


It's called the course of sin. Ever read the U.S. constitution? It says "In God We Trust". But is "Jesus" ever mentioned? The only mediator and way to God the Father? No. The god that America serves is "We The People". What is "Majority Vote"? Does'nt that mean that all laws are voted in or out by the people? By the moral conscience of the majority? The mob rules?

We are about to enter tribulation. People have become more lovers of self and of self-rights more than lovers of God. We've voted in equal rights. Voted in gay rights. And now 2 men may be married in God's temple?? Um, yeah, we are only reaping what we sow. The U.S. gov is only about the love of $$$. And how do they attempt to resolve $$$ probs? By spending even more $$$ that only even more increases the deficit. More and more borrowing from -0. Borrowing from what does'nt even exist.

$$$ is not our savior. We cannot love both God and $$$.

It's all a cherade. A game. A joke. Politics are just politics. All Presidential candidates cannot even run for President unless they are conformed to the system and compromize their faith. Look at Bush even. Trying to get Israel to become a democracy??? Be careful!!!

See all the sexual immorality? See how everyone is image-conscious? See the love of $$$? See how many people are just a # in the system, as opposed to a name?

Democracy just went to Iraq. And now the women there are fighting to be able to reveal more of their flesh and dress "sexy"??? Yeah, now te U.S. is infecting and corrupting the Middle East. Not to mention awhile back some U.S. soldiers raping a girl in Bagdad, then killing her and her family?

Gas prices are due to all the fuel being wasted by the military to further dominate the globe. While Americans are being oppressed and all the power is now going back to the east.

Don't worry, be assured it will all get even worse. It is prophesied to come about. There are only 2 choices. Be humbled, or rebel.

The "economy" is only a result/reflection of what "society" does/chooses. It's like the surface thermometer. And the overall morale is what affects it most. And the overall morale has voted in sin and wickedness. And so, here we go. Right into tribulation. We reap what we sow.

You don't know who to believe? Well turn it all off. All forms of media and silence those voices. Though the blind are in leadership, you don't have to follow them. Unless they know the word of God, they know nothing. Clueless. All we truly need is God alone. Jesus. Breath. Bread and water. All else is only "else". Even the churches are corrupted if the people watch tv or listen to worldly music, etc. And if the church acknowledges and conforms to any special rights. Such as equal rights. It has already corrupted all the churches. Women are NOT to even speak in the church, 1 Corinthians 14. Etc, etc.

We are in modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah. And democracy is the 4th kingdom of Daniel 7. Babylon again.

But, the weeds and the wheat have to grow up together until the harvest. Mathew 13. Church and State. Good and evil. God's offspring, Satan's offspring. And gay rights is Satan's offspring. Part of the beast. Nature of the beast. Just like the wild animals. Only hungry for more and more flesh.

"Economy" is nothing. It's just the noise society makes. And if you lived out in the wilderness, you can't even hear it. As it really does'nt matter. It all ends in 0. Zero. Nada. Does the system exist on a deserted island? What is the economic condition of a deserted island? Are the animals and fish all just #'s in their own system and economy?

To keep your sanity, 1st you have to know Jesus. And 2nd, you have to always view the world as if from a remote area. As if you lived in a tribe somwhere, only wearing a robe and only having just what you need. If you know God, you have and know all you need. You could live off the land. But the gov. does'nt like that cuz it wants your slavery to the $$$ in society. "You belong to us.Get in here!". "God alone is not enough". "You have to join in and conform and do what everyone else does and..." And so the blind follow the blind.

It's best to turn everything off, and just breathe.
Pretend you live out in a tribe somwhere. Hold onto what is pure. Otherwise, just how do you know what truth is anymore?

God is love.
Love is a choice.
Jesus is the way.
You get what you choose.

Hold on.
It's about to get even worse.
God bless.


The debt that we now enjoy is virtually as if we had fought WW2 all over again without as many lives lost-WW2 cost 288 billion- 4.5 trillion in today's dollars and this with half the population that we now have- so double this figure and you arrive at roughly our national debt. Not mention the many ,far greater debts elsewhere. Alright- it's as if we had fought WW3- and for what?- while the rich have lined their pockets! Half of too much is still a lot for anybody.


Here's the deal, this huge mess, has been in the makings for years, people have in the past 8 years or so, been buying houses they knew they couldnt afford, and the banks have been giving out mortgages that they knew shouldnt have been given out, go on cnn's website to keep updated with the current economic meltdown, and to answer your main question, we are THIS close to a depression.

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