How many cows were expected to be slaughtered this Raya?

Pls don't slaughter my friends..........instead go for Goats/Lambs...... humans...........


Thank you lim.........


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big fan of bowril...


I am clueless.
However between us and our neighbor there has been one thus far. I hav an upright freezer full of beef. I'm serious. Lots of ground meat/ hamburger and steaks. I am sick of it already.

We know a local that raises "organic" beef.

Regardless, my grandparents had a dairy cow that I totally loved and we kids would ride like a horse. She was the best. When she had to (eh hem) go away it was one of the worst days of my life.


only chicken curry.. or rendang ...

eat too much lamb for break fast during ramadhan oready.. going for unta la camni.. wawawa


No worries... I go for chicken too... plus the big prawns... the mutton... the ketupat... the kuehs.... the..... nyummm nyummm... hahaa

★ yaya ★2008-09-22T21:50:54Z

cow's turn is on Raya Haji..heheh...

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